Inspirational Quotes for Victory today!!!

“Your defeats were followed by victories for here you stand, so be victorious”-Chip Esajian

Most people focus on all the losses from their past which causes anxiety and fear of the future and freezes their present! Instead engage focusing on all your victories that got you past those defeats because here you are today standing with the choice to be victorious and grateful! You were created for extraordinary, but you need to climb back in the command center of your brain, take control,  clean house on the negative garbage you dwell on and replace it with all the wonderful thoughts and opportunities you have right now! Start with your top 50 things you are grateful for. Forgive your unforgiven and get livin!

"If you don't have a victorious mindset, then create one for there is only one YOU, and you were created for an extraordinary life"-Chip Esajian

Posted via email from ChipEsajian "You were created for Extraordinary"


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