"Don't be attached to the results of giving hope and encouragement" by Chip Esajian

After viewing my video: “Make every day Saturday” one of my friends who mentioned they liked it and related to it, stated the following:

“Thanks Chip. I get so tired of, when telling people to have a good day,that they are crabby and won't have a good day until quitting time. I tell them, well, start now and have a great day!”

I encouraged them with:

The key is to not be attached to the results your wonderful attitude brings. You keep the relationship with yourself wonderful, grateful and thankful! For you will attract those who see the hope in your life and want what you have! For the rest show the love without expecting a certain response and you will fly!

We are setting our selves up for frustration by expecting others to respond the way we would like them to. Instead respect them for where they are at knowing at one time in your life you have felt that way.

“Give hope and encouragement unconditionally and have victory beyond your wildest dreams”-Chip Esajian


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