Top 10 Resolutions To Set For The New Year | Chip Esajian - "You were created for extraordinary"

Resolution, n – A commitment that an individual makes that brings
positive benefits to his/her life

In just a week’s time, we’ll be stepping into 2011. Are you ready to rock 2011 ahead?

I love the new year, because it’s the time when we start everything on a fresh note. It’s when we set new resolutions, positive intentions of what we want to accomplish for the year. In today’s post, I’m going to share top 10 resolutions to set for the new year. These 10 resolutions cover important areas, and when accomplished, will bring about great benefits to your life.

1. Spend more time with family. How many of us often prioritize work over family? Our family is the closest kin we have in the world, so spend more time with them. Let go of work for just an hour a day, and swap that with some quality family time instead. Check with your family members how they are doing at work, in school, and in their relationships.
2. Get Fit / Exercise more. Do you know that over 60% of Americans are overweight or obese? A healthy body is the key to a healthy life. Very few of us exercise as frequently as we would like. When things get busy at work, our gym sessions are usually the first to go. Unfortunately, that also means an increasing waistline and wider hips as the years go by. I’m planning a 21-day healthy living challenge on my blog with the start of 2011, where I’ll be exercising regularly and eating healthily (resolution #3) for 21 days straight. Since it takes 21 days to make or break a habit, these 21 days will help to set the positive habits in place for the year and beyond.
3. Eat healthily. The modern lifestyle has become one that’s filled with fast food and junk food. Time to take these out and eat some healthy food. Recently I’ve taken a huge liking for salad bars. They’re amazingly filling, and extremely refreshing change.
4. Connect with friends. Make it a point to meet up with friends regularly. Remember at the end of the day, our relationships are what give us the biggest fulfillment in life. Go take your phone book and call up your good friends from the past. Or simply use Facebook and search for them. Arrange to meet-up and catch up over a cup of coffee. I recently met my good friend over dinner and it was great meeting her after a long time. We made the commitment to meet up at least once every month so we wouldn’t lose touch.
5. Learn something new. Learning never stops. Life is our school, and there are things to learn everywhere we go. Go learn a new language, take a new course, read new books, learn a sport, and more. Check out these 42 helpful tips on how to improve yourself.
6. Meet new people. A new year is a great time to forge new friendships, while maintaining old ones of course. We can never have too many friends. Get out there and meet new people! Venture out of your social groups. Meet people whose work inspire you. Network with the top people in your field. Get to know your friends’ friends.
7. Meditate. If there’s only one habit you’re going to pick to cultivate, I’ll recommend you pick meditation. Meditation calms your mind and quietens your soul. It’s where you connect with your subconsciousness and unleash that idea genius in you. I’ve gotten some very interesting ideas from my meditations. If you’re new to meditation, it’s very easy to get started. Read: How To Meditate in 5 Simple Steps.
8. Do more kind deeds. I think there’s never an end to how much we can help others. The more we give, the happier we’ll be. I’ve dedicated my life to helping others grow, and every day I get more satisfaction from my work than the day before.
9. Get rid of clutter. New year is the perfect time to declutter your environment. Do a spring cleaning of your home, your wardrobe, your bedroom, your storeroom and your work desk. You’ll find that removing clutter has a therapeutic effect: As you clear the clutter, you’re inviting new things to enter your life.
10. Stop procrastinating. How much time have you wasted in your life procrastinating? Honestly, life’s too short to be procrastinating it away. Start 2011 on a high note – it’s time to cut off all the bad procrastination habits and do everything you’ve been putting off. If you need some help, check out: 11 Practical Ways To Stop Procrastination

Which of the resolutions above are you going to set for 2011? Share with everyone in the comments below!

"Dream out of your reach, get your mind set, believe the impossible is possible, focus, do extraordinary and leap" - Chip Esajian



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